华东师范大学凤凰彩票平台 的前身主体是创建于1979年的计算机科学技术系,是国内成立较早的计算机系科。历经40年院系调整与变迁,2019年7月,华东师范大学组建信息学部,并成立凤凰彩票平台 (简称凤凰彩票平台 ),服务国家人工智能战略与一流信息学科建设。凤凰彩票平台 作为信息学部下设实体单位,现有教职工80余人,形成以计算机系统、机器学习、图形图像处理为主的三大学科方向,围绕“智能+”行动计划,推进与教育、生态、健康等特色学科的交叉发展,培育拔尖创新人才。近年来,依托于上海市计算机工程实验教学示范中心(简称“实验中心”)、上海市多维度信息处理重点实验室等省部级支撑平台,计算机科学与技术学科发展成效显著,ESI(Essential Science Indicators,简称ESI)排名进入全球前1%,在教育部第四轮学科评估中获评B+档。律回春晖渐,万象始更新,凤凰彩票平台 将继续以开放、包容的姿态诚邀海内外优秀学者加盟我院,广纳英才,共启征程。
East China Normal University is one of the national Double First-rate universities (Category A), located in Shanghai, a cultural metropolis and the center for international economy, finance, trade, shipping, and scientific and technological innovation. It is recognized as one of Shanghai’s top public research universities. School of Computer Science and Technology (SCST) was founded in July 2019, which was originally former Department of Computer Science and Technology, one of the earlier related to computer science in domestic universities. In order to further serve national strategy of artificial intelligence and information technology, and build first-class information disciplines group, after 40 years of development, East China Normal University (ECNU) established the Faculty of Information in July 2019, to which SCST is affiliated.
Currently, SCST has over 80 faculties, including two distinguished professors, two outstanding youth scholars, one Chang Jiang Scholar and one Thousand Youth Talent. In accordance with “intelligence+”plan of ECNU, to promote the cross-cutting research and development with education, ecology, and health, SCST has formed several research teams related to computer system, machine learning, and computer graphics and image processing.SCST has made remarkable progress in discipline development, and it has discipline bases such as Shanghai experimental teaching center for computer technology, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Multidimensional Information Processing. In March 2019, computer science and technology entered Top 1% of ESI in global disciplines for the first time, and in the fourth MOE discipline evaluation, it ranked B+ class among all Chinese universities.
In future, SCST will continue to be open and inclusive to invite you to join us. Joining hands with outstanding talents, SCST launches a new development to work hard for Double First-rate development.
一、招聘领域/Academic areas for Recruitment
Related to computer science and technology, such as computer system, machine learning, and graphics image processing and so on.
二、招聘岗位与条件/Positions for Recruitment
1. 特聘教授、学科带头人/Distinguished professors
Candidates should hold official teaching or research positions in prestigious Chinese or foreign universities, research institutions, or in the R&D department of famous enterprises, have been engaged in innovative research in the frontier areas and made breakthroughs. They should also have important academic and social influence, be capable of leading discipline development.
2. 紫江优秀青年学者/Talent youth research fellow
Candidates should be aged below 40, and have a PhD degree from a prestigious Chinese or foreign university or research institution, or worked as a postdoctoral researcher, at least hold a vice-senior professional title in principle, and be capable of teaching undergraduate core courses. They should also have made outstanding academic achievements, have strong leadership and coordination ability with great potential for innovation and development, and be able to push or lead teams to overtake the international advanced level. Candidates should have been selected in national youth talents program or keep equal level.
3. 紫江青年学者/Youth research fellow
Candidates should be aged below 35, and have obtained a PhD degree from and worked in a prestigious Chinese or foreign university or research institution for more than 12 months, including post-doctoral study. They should have made high-level research achievements with great potential, become youth leading scholars hopefully.
4. 高级专业技术职务人员/Full professors or Associate professors
Candidates applying for full professor normally should be aged below 45 and below 35 for associate professors. They should have remarkable research and experience with great potential, and have recognized achievements in relevant academic fields, also be capable of teaching core and frontier courses.
5. 博士后研究员/Postdoctoral researchers
Candidates should be aged below 35, and have obtained a PhD degree from a prestigious Chinese or foreign university or research institution in the past three years, with some good research work and achievements.
6. 专职科研人员/Full-time researchers
Full-time researchers fall into three categories: research fellows, associate research fellows, and assistant researchers, specializing in scientific research, technology development and large management of large equipment and facilities. Candidates applying for research fellow and associate research fellow should have strong research ability and academic level. The specific responsibilities will be cleared by the research team who employ the position.
三、福利待遇/Salary and Benefits
Referring to ECNU policies, Competitive salary and benefits are provided for each position.
四、联系方式/Contact information
联系人/Contact person:凤凰彩票平台 人事秘书 宋老师/Ms. SONG, HR of SCST
电子邮箱/Email:[email protected]
Welcome for more information.
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