报告人:张康 教授 (德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校计算机系)
主持人:王长波 教授
报告时间:2021年4月6日星期二 上午09:00-10:30
Writing a proper technical paper in English is always a challenge for Chinese students. Good introduction (from an insider who has chaired many conferences and on editorial boards of several journals) to writing and guided practice would help students to quickly gain the writing skills. This talk introduces the basic requirements for proper styles and formats targeted at IEEE or ACM conferences and journals (for Computer Science and Software Engineering, but equally applicable to other engineering disciplines). The recent option of open publications will also be discussed. Most importantly, how to get a paper accepted and published? We will provide some real case studies: reasons for some rejected papers submitted to an IEEE conference will be analyzed based on reviewers’ comments. We will finally list several typical Chinese English phrases and suggest better usages.
张康博士现任美国The University of Texas at Dallas计算机科学专业终生教授,是富布莱特杰出讲席教授(Fulbright Distinguished Chair), ACM杰出讲演人(ACM Distinguished Speaker),曾入选华东师范大学海外名师,VINCI国际会议的指导委员会主席,Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Journal of Big Data,The Visual Computer, Journal of Visual Languages and Sentient Systems和《软件学报》等期刊的编委。并应邀在多个管理科学和计算机科学国际会议上作主旨演讲,担任过多个国际会议大会主席和程序委员会主席。发表过8本论著, 100多篇SCI和AHCI检索期刊论文, 和160多篇国际会议论文。张康教授的主要研究领域是可视化语言, 信息可视化, 计算机艺术, 软件工程。
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